Physical Education
Children at Richard Cobden School are very enthusiastic and take great pride in their physicaleducation and sporting achievements. Our PE provision aims to:
- Develop physical literacy and specific sporting skills that enable participation and expertise in a wide range of physical activities
- Increase confidence and self-esteem
- Improve physical and mental well-being
- Increase fitness and awareness of a healthy lifestyle
- Improve social and communication skill
- Enable and encourage children to take part in physical activity in the community
- Improve organisation and self-discipline
- Encourage fun and enjoyment in a wide range of sports and physical activity
Early Years and Foundation Stage
Pupils in EYFS will learn and develop fundamental movement skills: Stability, Locomotion and Manipulation through the following strands: Functional Movement, Aesthetic Movement, Manipulative skills and Movement Concepts. One unit from each strand will be taught every term. The units combine Games, Dance and Gymnastics.
Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, pupils develop the movement skills through the strands above (combining Games, Dance and Gymnastics). One unit for each strand will be taught each term. Pupils will begin to participate in team games, developing simple tactics for defending. Pupils in Year 2 will swim once a week in the Summer term.
Key Stage 2
In Years 3 and 4 pupils will be taught four PE units each term. Pupils in Year 3 attend swimming once a week all year and in Year 4, pupils attend swimming once a week in the Autumn and Spring terms. Units of study covered are: Games, Athletics, Gymnastics or Dance. Pupils will continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning to use them in different ways. Skills in simple team games (e.g. Benchball), will be developed in order to take part in more advanced games in years 5 and 6 (e.g., Netball). In Years 5 and 6 pupils will be taught four units each term covering Games, Athletics, Gymnastics or Dance. PE units in Years 5 and 6 are more sport specific (e.g., Rounders, Cricket), with a greater emphasis on competitive sports.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Most after school clubs are run by the PE specialist teacher and the PE Teaching Assistant. We also use additional specialist teachers where appropriate (e.g. dance, softball) and class teachers with particular skills or interests (e.g. netball, cricket, tennis). The majority of competitions are run by the Camden School Sports Association. Others are run by the council (Camden Active Schools). We have links with several organisations including Saint Pancras Community Association and The Hall School, Middlesex Cricket club, University College School and Highgate Harriers