Year 1 Elm
Meet the Staff
Miss Rachel Caine
Welcome to Year 1 Elm Class! We look forward to working with you to make this year a happy and successful one for your child. You can support your child’s learning by encouraging them to read every day.
Home Reading: Children are expected to read every day at home and we ask you to share in this activity as often as you can. Your child will bring home their reading record book each day so that you can sign it as confirmation that this has happened. Reading record books will be checked every Monday & Thursday. Please help your child to develop a good home reading habit. Your child will value this time with you and this will help them to build confidence.
Uniform: Please wear the correct school uniform every day. The uniform comprises a white shirt, grey or navy trousers or skirt and a navy jumper or sweatshirt, with or without the Richard Cobden logo. If you wear a headscarf, it has to be navy or white.
Please label all items of clothing.
Building Learning Power
We will continue to encourage children to use these 4 key learning attributes:
RESILIENCE This helps us to keep going with a task, even when we find it a bit tricky.
RECIPROCITY This allows us to work successfully with others, to finish tasks and to share our ideas.
RESOURCESFULNESS This is our ability to problem-solve and choose strategies or resources to help us in our learning.
REFLECTIVENESS This is our ability to look back and review our learning. We can see our mistakes and learn from them.
1 Elm have PE on Monday and Wednesday. Please remember that children are expected to wear their PE uniform and to wear the correct footwear for all PE lessons. KS1 children may wear their PE kit to school on their PE day.
Each week the children will be expected to complete English and Maths tasks. They are also encouraged to complete two creative activities from the homework grid each week. Please help by setting up a quiet space for your child to do their homework each week and encourage them to explain what they have done. Homework will be given every Friday and should be returned no later than Wednesday. Please ensure that homework is presented neatly and in pencil.