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What do school governors do?

School governors act as ‘critical friends’ to the school. This means we work with the staff, parents/carers and the local authority to support the school. We make sure the school is doing all it can to help our pupils. In addition to our meetings, we visit classes and attend events at school. We monitor the work of the school and work with the leadership team to decide what needs to be done next. We are unpaid volunteers and at Richard Cobden we are lucky to have a very committed governing body with a wide range of skills and experience.

How do governors carry out their job?

At Richard Cobden the governors meet once a term for a full governors’ meeting and committee meetings are held once or twice a term. The Chair of Governors meets more frequently with the Headteacher to discuss matters as they arise. Much of the governors’ work is done at committee level and at Richard Cobden we have two main committees. The Resorces Committee deals with finance, staffing, maintenance and improvement of the school building. The Curriculum and Standards Committee looks at learning and teaching, standards and the curriculum.

Who are we ?

There are 15 school governors at Richard Cobden School;
two of us are elected parent governors, ten are co‐opted community governors, chosen by the governing body, one is a local authority governor, appointed by Camden. The Headteacher is a staff governor and one other staff governor is elected by the staff.

Contacting Governors

The governors are very keen to hear your ideas about how we can all work together to improve the school further.

Parents/Carers: If you have any general suggestions please do have a chat with one of the parent governors at the school. They will often be around at the beginning or end of the school day. If you don’t know them already, the school office will be glad to introduce you.  If you prefer to write a letter, the school office will pass it on directly to the Chair of Governors.   If you have specific queries relating to your own children, you should take these to their class teacher or a member of the leadership team.

Pupils: Your school council representatives write a report to the governors once a term. If you have any ideas for the governors, it is always good to discuss it in your class. Then let your school councillor know, so it can be passed on to us through the school council.  When we visit the school we will talk to you about your school.  We will ask you about how you learn, how much you enjoy your learning, if you feel safe at school and other questions that help us to understand your experience at school.  You can tell us your ideas and opinions.

Teachers and Support Staff: Your staff governors will be very happy to hear your views and convey them to the Governing Body.  You are also welcome to speak to any of us on our visits to school and during governor open days.  You can also write a letter to the Chair of Governors if you prefer.

At our school we carry out surveys to get your ideas and opinions.  We discuss the outcomes of these at our meetings so that we can make our school even better.


Please click on the links below for more information on Richard Cobden Primary School Governing Body:

Richard Cobden Register of Information of GB - May 2024

Richard Cobden School Governor Information

Full Governing Body Meetings Terms of Reference

Curriculum & Standards Committee Terms of Reference

Resources Committee Terms of Reference

Richard Cobden Governor Attendance 2023-2024