School Attendance Target
School attendance is very important to make sure that every child reaches their full potential, not only academically but also socially and emotionally. We expect all children to attend school every day and to be in class, ready to learn by 8.55am. Periods of absence and poor punctuality are disruptive to children’s learning and send poor messages about the value of education. We ask parents and guardians to support us in ensuring their children do not miss out through unnecessary absences.
All pupils’ attendance and punctuality is closely monitored. Lateness and absence are monitored by the Attendance Lead, Attendance Administration Officer, Senior Leadership Team and the Local Authority.
Poor attendance leads to lost learning, which can add up quickly.
100% Attendance |
O days of learning missed |
Best chance of success |
95% Attendance |
9 Days Absence 1 week & 4 days of learning missed |
Poor attendance will impact on learning. |
90% Attendance |
19 Days Absence 3 weeks & 4 days of learning missed |
Very poor attendance leading to a significant impact on learning and social well-being.
You are at risk of prosecution! |
85% Attendance |
28 Days Absence 5 weeks & 3 days of learning missed |
80% Attendance |
38 Days Absence 17 weeks & 3 days of learning missed |
Any child who attends school less than 90% of the time is considered to be a Persistent Absentee and a referral to the Local Authority Pupil Attendance Service will be made for them.
Further information can be found in the Department for Education's Working together to improve school attendance guidance and through the Pupil Attendance Service at Camden Learning.
Contact Name: Ed Magee
Contact Position: Service Manager
Telephone: 020 7974 1653
Holidays are expected to be taken during the school holidays and parents/ guardians do not have a right to take their child(ren) out of school for holidays during term time. Exceptions may only be made at the discretion of the Headteacher. All requests for absence are treated sympathetically and only in exceptional circumstances will they be approved. An application for exceptional leave in term time can be obtained from the school office. Holidays during term time are not allowed and will be classified as unauthorised.
Collection Arrangements
Children should be collected at 3:30 pm promptly by a ‘named adult’. It is essential that the school knows if there is any change in collection arrangements for your child. Staff are available in the playground at the start and end of each day for you to talk to. Please ring the School Office on 0207 387 5909 before 3.00pm. If there are any last minute changes, e.g. someone other than the person known to staff is to collect your child at the end of the day. Calling before 3.00pm is important as it allows time for us to get messages to classrooms before the end of the day.
We believe that every minute in school counts for each and every one of our children. Being late by 15 minutes every day would mean missing two weeks of learning in a year.
It is very important that your child arrives at school on time, the school day starts at 8.55am for everyone. The gates and classroom doors will open at 8.45am.
All late arrivals to school must be signed in the late register in the school office.
If you know your child will be late or absent, for example due to a hospital appointment or school visit, please provide the office with the relevant appointment letter in advance of the absence. Letters regarding absence should be handed in to the office and not the class teacher. This will enable us to keep all documentation regarding your child’s absences on file. Where possible, medical appointments should be made outside of school hours. All absences not reported to the school will be recorded as unauthorised, until the reason for your child not being at school is established.
Please report your child’s absence in person or by telephone to the School Office on 0207 387 5909 before 9.00am. The school telephone system has an attendance reporting mailbox. Please refer to the latest DfE guidance: NHS ‘Is my child too ill for school?’ guidance if you are unsure whether your child should remain at home.
Attendance and Punctuality Rewards
Every Week
We have weekly Key Stage 1 and a Key Stage 2 Attendance Trophy announcement in our Achievement assemblies. The class with the highest attendance percentage wins the trophy to display in their classroom for the week.
Every Term
We run an Attendance and Punctuality Fortnight every term. This involves children collecting stamps for coming in every day on time. Children who collect the full set receive a special attendance prize.
Every Year
Children who have ‘Outstanding’ attendance (99 % and above) are awarded a special certificate and attendance prize.